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HashTable to Dictionary conversion

I have converted a hashtable into dictionary. but the problem is when I go to print the values it does not show in sequencing order.

aHashtable.Add(1014, "201");
aHashtable.Add(10, "ATIB");
aHashtable.Add(143, "LOVE");
aHashtable.Add(111, "HATE");

var dict= aHashtable.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.Value);

foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> keyValuePair in dict)
    Console.WriteLine(keyValuePair.Key + ": " +keyValuePair.Value);

What's the problem?

By default a dictionary is not sorted. C# has a OrderedDictionary though.

See also: The order of elements in Dictionary

Dictionaries don't store values based on order of entry.

From docs:

For purposes of enumeration, each item in the dictionary is treated as a KeyValuePair structure representing a value and its key. The order in which the items are returned is undefined.

You need an ordered dictionary

See this question .

Please test this code :

var aHashtable = new Hashtable {{1014, "201"}, {10, "ATIB"}, {143, "LOVE"}, {111, "HATE"}};
var dict = aHashtable.Cast<DictionaryEntry> ().ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.Value).OrderBy(x=>x.Key);

foreach (var keyValuePair in dict)
    Console.WriteLine(keyValuePair.Key + ": " + keyValuePair.Value);

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