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three.js How to rotate an object around the camera coordinate?

var object = new THREE.CSS3DObject(element);


object.matrix.setPosition(new THREE.Vector3(tarx,tary,tarz));

//object.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationY(rY));
//object.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationZ(rX));

It will rotate about the world coordinate Y,but I just want to rotate about the camera

1 - Create an object who copy camera.position (like you have done)
2 - Add a satellite to this object

var orbit = 100;

var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1);
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0xffff00, side: THREE.DoubleSide } );
satellite = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );

Add satellite to object

object.add( satellite );

If you rotate object
the satellite rotate around the camera coordinate.

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