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Remove object from array with splice

i knows that there's tons of examples answering to my question but i'm still having problem to do it:

Here's my data:

$scope.data = [
        {name: 'Stephen', age: 50, dev: 'js', car: 'red', shoes:'green', happy:true, videoGame:[{isPlayer:true, console:'PS3'}]},
        {name: 'Stephen', age: 28, dev: 'angular', car: 'gold', shoes:'silver', happy:true, videoGame:[{isPlayer:false, console:'none'}]},
        {name: 'Adam', age: 43, dev: 'php', car: 'blue', shoes:'yellow', happy:true, videoGame:[{isPlayer:true, console:'XBOX'}]},
        {name: 'John', age: 27, dev: 'java', car: 'green', shoes:'black', happy:true, videoGame:[{isPlayer:true, console:'PC'}]},
        {name: 'Steve', age: 29, dev: 'ruby', car: 'white', shoes:'blue', happy:true, videoGame:[{isPlayer:false, console:'none'}]},
        {name: 'Pablo', age: 34, dev: 'java', car: 'pink', shoes:'red', happy:false, videoGame:[{isPlayer:true, console:'GAMEBOY'}]}
        {name: 'Walter', age: 56, dev: 'js', car: 'red', shoes:'green', happy:true},
        {name: 'Jessi', age: 27, dev: 'angular', car: 'gold', shoes:'silver', happy:true},
        {name: 'Arnold', age: 34, dev: 'php', car: 'blue', shoes:'yellow', happy:true},
        {name: 'Bill', age: 67, dev: 'java', car: 'green', shoes:'black', happy:true},
        {name: 'Josh', age: 21, dev: 'ruby', car: 'white', shoes:'blue', happy:true},
        {name: 'Sam', age: 31, dev: 'java', car: 'pink', shoes:'red', happy:false}

I want to remove in users the user who have the property videoGame with isplayer property set to false

Here's what i'm trying:

  $scope.removeNotPlayer = function(){
      for(var i=0; i<$scope.data.users.length; i++){
        if($scope.data[i].users.videoGame === false){
            $scope.data.splice(i, 1);
      return $scope.data;

here's a link to a plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/u4f8Vnds91zu8MNttHr0?p=preview

Any help would be kind, i'm a beginner forgive my question please.

Perhaps Array.filter() method is what you are looking for.

$scope.data[0].users = $scope.data[0].users.filter(function(val) {
    return (val.videoGame[0].isPlayer === true);
function filterInPlace(x, fun) {
    var j=0;

    for (var i=0; i<x.length; i++)
        if (fun(x[i])) x[j++] = x[i];

    while (x.length > j)

filterInPlace($scope.data[0].users, function(v) {    
    return v.videoGame[0].isPlayer

Functionally equivalent to calling Array.filter() as in Mike Brant's suggestion, without creating an extra copy of the array.

If you want to follow the "style" of your current plunker here's a snippet that works.

  $scope.removeNotPlayer = function(){
      for(var i=0; i<$scope.data[0].users.length; i++){
        if($scope.data[0].users[i].videoGame[0].isPlayer === false){
            $scope.data[0].users.splice(i, 1);
      return $scope.data;

For the record, I think Mike Brant's solution is cleaner. Also, your data seems unnecessarily complicated. For instance, your $scope.data is an array with only one object in it. Also the videoGame object is wrapped in an array as well. This adds the [0] requirement and makes your code brittle.

If you have the flexibility, changing your data to:

$scope.data = {
        {name: 'Stephen', age: 50, dev: 'js', car: 'red', shoes:'green', happy:true, videoGame:{isPlayer:true, console:'PS3'}},
        {name: 'Stephen', age: 28, dev: 'angular', car: 'gold', shoes:'silver', happy:true, videoGame:{isPlayer:false, console:'none'}},
        {name: 'Adam', age: 43, dev: 'php', car: 'blue', shoes:'yellow', happy:true, videoGame:{isPlayer:true, console:'XBOX'}},
        {name: 'John', age: 27, dev: 'java', car: 'green', shoes:'black', happy:true, videoGame:{isPlayer:true, console:'PC'}},
        {name: 'Steve', age: 29, dev: 'ruby', car: 'white', shoes:'blue', happy:true, videoGame:{isPlayer:false, console:'none'}},
        {name: 'Pablo', age: 34, dev: 'java', car: 'pink', shoes:'red', happy:false, videoGame:{isPlayer:true, console:'GAMEBOY'}}
        {name: 'Walter', age: 56, dev: 'js', car: 'red', shoes:'green', happy:true},
        {name: 'Jessi', age: 27, dev: 'angular', car: 'gold', shoes:'silver', happy:true},
        {name: 'Arnold', age: 34, dev: 'php', car: 'blue', shoes:'yellow', happy:true},
        {name: 'Bill', age: 67, dev: 'java', car: 'green', shoes:'black', happy:true},
        {name: 'Josh', age: 21, dev: 'ruby', car: 'white', shoes:'blue', happy:true},
        {name: 'Sam', age: 31, dev: 'java', car: 'pink', shoes:'red', happy:false}

Would most likely make your life easier in the long run.

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