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MVVM: Bind ContentControl to CheckBox

I have a ContentControl that I want to bind it's Content property to IsChecked property of CheckBox . I am using MVVM, as an idea I thought of doing this:

<ContentControl ContentTemplate="{Binding CurrentTemplate}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding IsNewCustumor}"/>

And in the view model I would listen for the IsNewCustumor property to change and assign the corresponding DataTemplate to the CurrentTemplate property, but I think that would involve using views in the view model which is not MVVM . Another idea is to write a converter class, which I don't know how exactly should I implement it.

So can anyone help?

As far as I understand you want to switch the template based on the value of the property IsNewCustomer . One way to achieve this, is using a style trigger. The advantage is, that it is purely XAML and easy to read:

        <Style TargetType="ContentControl>
                <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsNewCustomer}" Value="True">
                    <Setter Property="ContentTemplate" Value="Set the template for new customers here">
         <Setter Property="ContentTemplate" Value="Set the template for not new customers here">

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