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Error in Swift : (key: AnyObject, value: AnyObject)' is not convertible to 'NSDictionary'

I've got an error: Error: (key: AnyObject, value: AnyObject)' is not convertible to 'NSDictionary'. Help me please to fix the issue, I tried different solutions, but unsuccessfully.

func getLastDayRatesData() -> NSDictionary? {
    if var rates = getRatesDataFromPlist() {
        if let lastUpdated = rates["last_updated"] as? NSDate{
            let ratesWithoutDate: NSMutableDictionary = rates as! NSMutableDictionary
            var sortedByDateRates = sorted(ratesWithoutDate) {($0.0 as! String) > ($1.0 as! String)}
            if let latestRates = sortedByDateRates.first {
                return latestRates // Error: (key: AnyObject, value: AnyObject)' is not convertible to 'NSDictionary'
    return nil

Just changed your code to

func getLastDayRatesData() ->  (AnyObject, AnyObject)?

and everything works good.

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