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Previous or next element in array based on string “direction”

I'm trying to make function that will return next or previous item in array, based on parameter "direction". For example I have array = ['ferrari', 'bmw', 'merc', 'bugatti'] and I want my my function to return 'bugatti' IF currentPointer = 'ferrari' and direction = 'left'


In php we have function next() which moves the internal pointer ... but I don't know how to do it in javascript ...

The basic idea would be:

function nextPrev(array, direction, currentPointer) {
    var index = array.indexOf(currentPointer);
    if (direction=="left") {
        return array[index == 0 ? array.length-1 : index-1];
    } else if (direction=="right") {
        return array[index == array.length-1 ? 0 : index+1];
    } else {
        // default action or throw error

You can reorganize this a bit:

function nextPrev(array, direction, currentPointer) {
    var index = array.indexOf(currentPointer);
    var len = array.length;
    if (direction=="left") {
    } else if (direction=="right") {
    } else {
        // default action or throw error
        return array[(index + len) % len];

You might want to add a check that array.indexOf returns a valid index (in case currentPointer contains something not in array ).

You can write something like this:

function makeDirectionalIterator(array){
    var currIndex = 0;

    return {
       nextPrev: function(direction){
           if(direction === 'left') {
              return currIndex < array.length-1 ?
                 {value: array[++currIndex], done: false} :
                 {done: true};
           else {
              return currIndex > 0 ?
                 {value: array[--currIndex], done: false} :
                 {done: true};

       current: function() {
           return { value: array[currIndex] };

Then you can use it like the following

var itr = makeDirectionalIterator(array);

Try Something like this.

Using the numerical locations of the array and conditionally cycle through:

 var array = ['ferrari', 'bmw', 'merc', 'bugatti']; var returnedElement = nextPrev(array, "left", "ferrari"); // Show Returned Value (Console) console.log(returnedElement); function nextPrev(array, direction, currentPointer) { var arraySize = array.length - 1; var currentIndex = array.indexOf(currentPointer); if (direction === "left") { // Decrease array by one if (currentIndex == 0) { // Return Previous (Max Array) return array[arraySize] } else { return array[currentIndex - 1] } } else if (direction === "right") { // Increase array by one if (currentIndex == arraySize) { // Go to zero position return array[0] } else { return array[currentIndex + 1] } } else { console.log("Use either 'left' or 'right'"); } } 

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