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linq join query get single record from second table

I am using linq join to get data from two tables. But my second table has multiple records corresponding to first table. And i want only first record from second table .

Table student
id     name 
1      a1
2      b1

Table images
id   image         studentId
1    1.jpg            1
2    2.jpg            1
3    3.jpg            2
4    4.jpg            2

Result should be 

id  name image
1   a1   1.jpg
2   b1   3.jpg  

I am using the following code. and its returning four records.

 public IEnumerable<StudentBean> getStudent()
             return (from p in context.student
                     join r in context.images
                      on p.id equals r.studentId

                     select new StudentBean
                     name =p.name,
join r in context.images
on p.id equals r.studentId into imgs
from r in imgs.Take(1)

Your can write subquery here:

return (from p in context.student
        select new StudentBean
                 name =p.name,
                 image=(from r in context.images 
                        where r.studentId == p.id
                        select r).First().image

or if there is chance that in Images table no row matches then you need to work around this way to prevent Null Reference Exeption:

return (from p in context.student
        let Image = (from r in context.images 
                        where r.studentId == p.id
                        select r).FirstOrDefault()
        select new StudentBean
                 name = p.name,
                 image = Image != null ? Image.image : null

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