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How to insert array data to mysql table

I have two tables called op_group and options .These two tables are filled by array values. For example, I want to insert pizza details into my tables.

It look like this:

  1. Cheese pizza and Sausage pizza will get inserted into the op_group table.
  2. Other data will get inserted into the options table. These options should be inserted based on the relevant foreign key op_group id.


This is what i have tried. All details are inserted but not for the relevant op_group .


$itemCountz = count($opg_name);
$queryValue1 = "";

for($i=0; $i<$itemCountz; $i++) {
  if($queryValue1!="") {
    $queryValue1 .= ",";
  $queryValue1 = "INSERT INTO op_group  

  $result1= mysql_query($queryValue1)or die(mysql_error());                                 

  $query6= "SELECT  * FROM op_group ORDER BY opg_id DESC LIMIT 1" ;
  $result6= mysql_query($query6);

  while($row6 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result6)){

  $itemCount2 = count($price);
  $itemValues1 = 0;

  $queryValue2 = "";
  for($j=0;$j<$itemCount2;$j++) {
    if(!empty($_POST["op_name"][$j])||!empty($_POST["price"][$j])) {
      if($queryValue2!="") {
        $queryValue2 .= ",";

      $queryValue2 = "INSERT INTO options (op_id,opg_id,ml_id,cat_id,res_id,res_name,opt,price) VALUES (NULL,'".$opg_id."','".$ml_id."','".$cat_id."','".$res_id."','".$res_name."','".$_POST["op_name"][$j]."','".$_POST["price"][$j]."')";

  $result2=mysql_query($queryValue2)or die(mysql_error());

This code give result like this


options table inserted data looks like this 选项表

how to solve this?

The reason why you are seeing options being duplicated for each option group is because your $queryValue2 is being repeatedly executed for each option group inside your outer most for($i = 0; $i < $itemCountz; $i++) loop.

As it stands, your current way of organizing the $_POST inputs are quite messy (and so are your duplicated row attributes). I will suggest you group your HTML inputs fields by each option group. You can try something like this:

  <input type="text" id="first_order" name="orders[0][name]" /><br />
  <input type="text" name="orders[0][options][0][price]" /><br />
  <input type="text" name="orders[0][options][0][size]" /><br />   
  <input type="text" name="orders[0][options][1][price]" /><br />
  <input type="text" name="orders[0][options][1][size]" /><br /> 

  <input type="text" id="second_order" name="orders[1][name]" /><br />
  <input type="text" name="orders[1][options][0][price]" /><br />
  <input type="text" name="orders[1][options][0][size]" /><br />   
  <input type="text" name="orders[1][options][1][price]" /><br />
  <input type="text" name="orders[1][options][1][size]" /><br /> 

Notice how I use the HTML name attribute to group the food options by the food. Then if you submit this form, you will see that the $_POST array appears to look something like this:

    [orders] => Array
        [0] => Array
            [name] => "Cheese Pizza"
            [options] => [0] => Array([size] => "8'" 
                                      [price] => "12")
                         [1] => Array([size] => "12'" 
                                      [price] => "14")

        [1] => Array
            [name] => "Sausage Pizza"
            [options] => [0] => Array([size] => "8'" 
                                      [price] => "13")
                         [1] => Array([size] => "12'" 
                                      [price] => "16")

Now you can tidy up your backend PHP codes with something like this:

foreach ($_POST['orders'] as $orders) {

  // .. some codes

  foreach($orders as $order) {
    // .. add codes to insert into op_groups where $order['name'] will give you the pizza name

    foreach($order['options'] as $details) {
      // .. add codes to insert into options where $details['size'] and $details['price'] will give you the corresponding values

Also, you can use mysqli.insert-id to get the row ID of the last inserted row. Then you can get rid of that silly $query6 and its while loop.

Of course, don't forget to sanitize your $_POST inputs before using them!

I am getting a bit tired, if there are mistakes, I will fix them up tomorrow. Hope it helps!

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