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Select what data to import from XML to mySQL Table

I need to import a really big XML file into my MySQL table. The problem is that I need to choose what data to input. For example the XML is like this:

<PreparedAt>2015/01/30 00:00</PreparedAt>
<STD>2015/1/19 06:00</STD>
<STA>2015/1/19 07:30</STA>
<BeginDate>2015/02/04 00:00</BeginDate>
<EndDate>2015/04/30 23:59</EndDate>

But I only need the "CommercialFlightNumber", "From", "To", "Aircraft" and "Days". I had a look at this answer and tried to put my information in a php file but the file got to big and the program crashed.. Is there anyway to do this? Thank you!

Look into SQL Server's nodes() :

The nodes() method is useful when you want to shred an xml data type instance into relational data. It allows you to identify nodes that will be mapped into a new row. [ MSDN ]

Example for inserting only particular XML elements into a table :

declare @table TABLE(CommFlightNo varchar(10), 
                     [From] varchar(3), [To] varchar(3), 
                     Aircraft varchar(10), Days int)
declare @xml xml = '...xml posted in question....'

SELECT F.x.value('CommercialFlightNumber[1]', 'varchar(10)') as 'ComFlightNo'
      ,F.x.value('From[1]', 'varchar(3)') as 'From'
      ,F.x.value('To[1]', 'varchar(3)') as 'To'
      ,F.x.value('Aircraft[1]', 'varchar(10)') as 'Aircraft'
      ,F.x.value('Days[1]', 'int') as 'Days'
FROM @xml.nodes('//FLIGHT') as F(x)

SQL Fiddle

I did this by inserting the whole XML file into the table with the code


and then I just deleted the columns that I didn't needed.

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