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Same type exception from different places

Let's say you have two different libraries that you write for different format of files. One parses type A of file and one parses type B. Now I see that in most cases most folks say that the exceptions already defined (let's say we use C# and .NET) are enough to handle most situations. In this case I think that is OK that in both cases we if we encounter some problems when parsing we throw a InvalidDataException that tells us that the format is not correct.What happens when we must catch both exceptions in a higher level function that must do something with them?

void SomeHigherFunction()
        int x = GetSomeDataFromFileA();  // throws InvalidDataException
        int y = GetSomeDataFromFileB();  // throws InvalidDataException
    catch(InvalidDataException)   // what failed ? 
         ShowMessageWithWhatFileFailed()  // what display ?

How do we know where the code failed? Should in this case be two different Exception types defined, one TypeAException and one TypeBException or is something easy here that I miss? I don't want to wrap each function and return a bool with the result. In this case I would wrap function A in a function and let it return true if successful and execute B further. But that is clearly a bad design and wrong use of exceptions. Should I just create new types in this cases ? Or how?

You can use Exception.Data Collection to pass the owner of the Exception and do something with it further.

I refactored your example a little, but i think this fits your requirements:

class Program
    public abstract class Parser
        public int GetData()
            bool error = true;
            if (error)
                InvalidDataException exception = new InvalidDataException();
                exception.Data.Add("owner", this);
                throw exception;
            return 0;

        public abstract void handleError();
    private class ParserA : Parser
        public override void handleError()
            Console.WriteLine("Handled in A");
    private class ParserB : Parser
        public override void handleError()
            Console.WriteLine("Handled in B");
    static void Main(String[] args)
            int x = new ParserA().GetData();
            int y = new ParserB().GetData();
        catch (InvalidDataException ex)
            Parser parser = ex.Data["owner"] as Parser;
            if(parser != null)

            // or even this if you prefer:
            if (parser is ParserA)

In a real case scenario GetData method would be virtual, but you got the idea

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