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How to get Ruby twitter to check friendship relationship

How do I make the friendship method work with the Twitter gem to check the relationships of users friends and or followers? The error says there are no parameters.

My code is:

require 'twitter'
require 'rubygems'

client = Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config|
  config.consumer_key = "..."
  config.consumer_secret = "..."
  config.access_token = "..."
  config.access_token_secret = "..."


puts client.friendship('user1','user2').to_s



How can I extract the hash response to a readable output ie boolean to let me know what its suppose to be saying?


According to the documentation, it appears you're using the wrong method and passing incorrect parameters. The parameters are not a hash with the keys 'source' and 'target', they're simply two strings representing the source and target users.

Calling Twitter::REST::FriendsAndFollowers.friendship('user1', 'user2') should return a Twitter::Relationship object containing information about the relationship between the two users.


Calling client.friendship?('user1', 'user2') returns true if user1 follows user2, and false is otherwise.

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