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Return Data from Table Valued Function with Joins

I have a query which contain table valued function. But when executing this attached error comming. How can I solve this?

SELECT bg.Description, im.ERPItemCode,
(select Opening,Topup1,Topup2,Topup3,
 Returnsv,SaleQty,SaleVal from dbo.GetOpeningByRepAcc(@Date,@RepAccId,@Cente![enter image description here][2]rId,im.Id)),
(select Name from dbo.DistributionCenter where Id = @CenterId) as center,
(select Name from dbo.SalesRepAcc where Id = @RepAccId)as repacc    
FROM BudgetGroup AS bg 
INNER JOIN  ItemMaster AS im ON bg.Id = im.BudgetGroupId
WHERE (bg.Active = 1)


You can use outer apply instead of subselect when you need to return more than one value from function:

    (select Name from dbo.DistributionCenter where Id = @CenterId) as center,
    (select Name from dbo.SalesRepAcc where Id = @RepAccId)as repacc    
from BudgetGroup AS bg 
    inner join  ItemMaster AS im ON bg.Id = im.BudgetGroupId
    outer apply dbo.GetOpeningByRepAcc(@Date,@RepAccId,@CenterId,im.Id) as T1
where (bg.Active = 1)

This is because you need to return a single column when using your TVF as a subquery

In your code you return Opening,Topup1,Topup2,Topup3,Returnsv,SaleQty,SaleVal from your TVF

((select Opening,Topup1,Topup2,Topup3,
 Returnsv,SaleQty,SaleVal from dbo.GetOpeningByRepAcc(@Date,@RepAccId,@CenterId,im.Id))

You also need to make sure you only get a single row from your sub-queries. you can use TOP 1 with ORDER BY to get only a single row

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