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How can I stub IDBconnection

I am writting Unit Test for my database connection.

I have following class

Public class A
    public IDbConnection _dbConnection;

    public A()
       _dbConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionStringName);

    public int ExecuteNoneQuery(CommandDefination command)
       return _dbConnection.Execute(command);

I want to test this class, how I can test with Microsoft Stub/Shim

I have written following code, but it is not working.

public void TestMethod1()
    StubIDbConnection stubIDbConnection = new StubIDbConnection();
    stubIDbConnection.Execute =(null) => -1;
    var a = new classA();
    int answer = a.ExecuteNoneQuery(null);
    Assert.AreEqual(-1, answer);


You can easely use the constructor to of class A to insert your dependencies, add the following constructor to class A:

public A(IDBConnection connection)
   _dbConnection = connection;

Then you test will look like:

public void TestMethod1()
    StubIDbConnection stubIDbConnection = new StubIDbConnection();
    stubIDbConnection.Execute =(null) => -1;
    var a = new classA(stubIDbConnection);
    int answer = a.ExecuteNoneQuery(null);

The method execute doesn't exist in IDbConnection / SqlConnection. Therefore I assume that you have created a custom interface and class.

The right way to test your code is to change the code into "code that designed to be a testable":

public class A
    public IDbConnection _dbConnection;

    public A() : this(new SqlConnection()){}

    public A(IDbConnection connection)
        _dbConnection = connection;

Now you can inject your fake connection:

public void TestMethod1()
    StubIDbConnection stubIDbConnection = new StubIDbConnection();
    stubIDbConnection.Execute =(null) => -1;
    var a = new classA(stubIDbConnection);
    int answer = a.ExecuteNoneQuery(null);

If you don't want to change your code. You have to create shim , and then change your test method:

    public void TestMethod1()
        using (ShimsContext.Create())
            System.Data.SqlClient.Fakes.ShimSqlConnection.AllInstances.Execute = 
            (connection, command) =>
                if (command != null)
                    throw new Exception("command is not null");

                return -1;

            var a = new classA();
            int answer = a.ExecuteNoneQuery(null);
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, -1);


The problem you've faced occurred because Execute method has several overloads.

Change your test method to:

    public void TestMethod1()
        using (ShimsContext.Create())
            Dapper.Fakes.ShimSqlMapper.ExecuteIDbConnectionCommandDefinition =
                (connection, command) =>
                    //add here params verification...

                    return -1;

            var a = new A();
            int answer = a.ExecuteNoneQuery(new CommandDefinition());
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, answer);

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