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Change title of Tkinter application in OS X Menu Bar

在Python中使用Tkinter使用GUI创建应用程序时,应用程序名称在OS X的菜单栏中显示为“ Python”。如何使它显示为其他名称?

My answer is based on one buried in the middle of some forums . It was a bit difficult to find that solution, but I liked it because it allows you to distribute your application as a single cross platform script. There's no need to run it through py2app or anything similar, which would then leave you with an OS X specific package.

Anyways, I'm sharing my cleaned up version here to give it a bit more attention then it was getting there. You'll need to install pyobjc via pip to get the Foundation module used in the code.

from sys import platform

# Check if we're on OS X, first.
if platform == 'darwin':
    from Foundation import NSBundle
    bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
    if bundle:
        info = bundle.localizedInfoDictionary() or bundle.infoDictionary()
        if info and info['CFBundleName'] == 'Python':
            info['CFBundleName'] = <Your application name here>

May not be quite what you need but I am surprised no one has mentioned the simple, platform independent way (works with Python 3.x on Win 7) :

from tkinter import Tk

root = Tk()
root.title( "Your title here" )  # or root.wm_title

and if you want to change the icon:

''' Replace the default "Tk" icon with an Application-specific icon '''
''' (that is located in the same folder as the python source code). '''

import sys
from tkinter import PhotoImage 

program_directory = sys.path[ 0 ]

IconFile = os.path.join( program_directory ) + "\ApplicationIcon.gif" 
IconImage = PhotoImage( file = IconFile ) 

root.tk.call( 'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, IconImage )


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