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Custom statuses in Liferay's workflows

I want to make an workflow that has other statuses than the Single Approver workflow, other than "Update", "Approved" etc. Is it possible?

What I have found on Internet is how to create custom portlets and I am not sure I have to go so far. I understand that these statuses are constants from the WorkflowConstants.java file and that it is possible to extend that file in order to add my own constants. But where should I place that file? What other changes do I have to make to make it work?

Thank you.

Liferay has offered different approaches to extend and customize liferay portal depending on the nature and complexity of changes required.

Following are the possible ways:
1. via Extension (ext) environment
2. via Plugins
i. Portlet
ii. Hook

Using extension environment, you can simply move that file from portal source to the relevant package of ext and introduce changes. Lets say, WorkflowConstants.java resides at location \\portal-service\\src\\com\\liferay\\portal\\kernel\\workflow\\WorkflowConstants.java in portal, so you can copy that file to \\ext-service\\src\\com\\liferay\\portal\\kernel\\workflow\\WorkflowConstants.java . Make required changes in ext-service file and deploy ext. One restarting container changes will reflect.

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