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How to remove/postDelayed runnables in Java?

Upon an event, I'd like to run a task/runnable but delay it's execution in 2 seconds.

During these 2 seconds, if the same event occurs, I'd like to remove the previous task and re-post it to run - again delayed by 2 seconds.

An example scenario would be background compilation. When a file is saved, I'm waiting 2 seconds and start compiling the class and other, depending classes. I don't want to do it all the time - especially if there are editors that save files automatically, like IntelliJ IDEA.

So, how can I remove/postDelayed runnables in Java , like Android's Handler ( remove / postDelayed )?

you can use the Executors.newScheduledThreadPool in order to schedule the task, and you can follow this post 's answer :

BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = threadPool.getQueue();

in order to get the queued runnables.

要延迟任何任务并“重新启动”延迟,可以使用Swing计时器 ,如果计时器正在运行,请使用其方法restart

I suppose you could use the ScheduledExecutor to accomplish this, by adding a mechanism to replace queued tasks with re-queued ones. You could look into the source code of ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor to give an idea, perhaps overriding the implementation of ScheduledFuture<?> schedule( Runnable command, long delay, TimeUnit unit ) and figuring out to avoid the scheduling, only running the tasks once.


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