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How to restart remote MySQL server running on Ubuntu linux?

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

There is on MySQL server situated remotely. I want to restart it.

Can someone please give me in detail step-by-step instructions to restart the MySQL server?

Following are the Database server details of MYSQL I got from phpMyAdmin UI:

Server: Localhost via UNIX socket
Server type: MySQL
Server version: 5.5.40-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 - (Ubuntu)
Protocol version: 10
User: root@localhost
Server charset: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

Can someone please help me?

  1. SSH into the machine . Using the proper credentials and ip address, ssh root@ . This should provide you with shell access to the Ubuntu server.
  2. Restart the mySQL service . sudo service mysql restart should do the job.

If your mySQL service is named something else like mysqld you may have to change the command accordingly or try this: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

sudo service mysql stop;
sudo service mysql start;

If the above process will not work let's check one the given code above you can stop Mysql server and again start server


systemctl restart mysql
  • To restart mysql use this command

sudo service mysql restart


sudo restart mysql


我通过 SSH 连接到我的 AWS Lightsail wordpress 实例,以下工作正常:sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart mysql 我在这里学到了这个: https ://docs.bitnami.com/aws/infrastructure/mysql/administration/control -服务/

I have had a problem with my WordPress site, the connection with MySql has gone away, and to get it back I had to restart the server. This has been an annoying issue as I do not have that high traffic on the site.

I tried to check if MySQL is up and make the cronjob restart it but that does not work that well. I have been looking at the log, using.

tail /var/log/mysql/error.log

In the log, I looked for shutdown messages or errors. I identified that the MySQL connection crashed when the server run out of memory, so why did it run out of memory. I started to optimize Mysql resources by using the optimization tool from Percona tools.

I also checked when my WordPress is running smoothly or what is causing heavy traffic peaks to your DB. One way is to increase the size of the server, I did not have that much traffic, so I installed the New Relic tool on my server to monitor the server resources to find out which processes are consuming memory.

I found out that the server did not have enough memory and MySQL can't allocate what it needs so it crashes, what I did was add swap space to help this.

here is the method to Add Swap Space

If that's not enough, you may need to consider upgrading to a larger server. Either way, you should take a closer look at your memory consumption to better understand the problem.

You can simply run from your local terminal
ssh username@www.remoteserver.com -- sudo service mysqld restart

在 Amazon EC2 服务器上对我有用的是:

sudo service mysqld restart

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