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Using 2d arrays to store strings in C

I want to make a program that handles strings in 2d arrays in the following manner:

Each row represents one name only, while columns holds separate characters of each name.

Like so:

  0 1 2 3 4 5 
0 K e v i n \0
1 J o h n \0
2 L u c y \0

Now, the way I understand arrays is that they work as pointers for the first element. So when I read the string using the readstring(name) function even though I used a 1D array, it should work as a pointer to the 2D array and store each string as I showed above, right?

The following code is supposed to ask for three names then print them all, but it only prints the last name and some gibberish, what did I do wrong?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void readstring(char name[]);
void get_data(char name[][15]);
void show_data(char name[][15]);

int main()
    char name[3][15];


    return 0;

void get_data(char name[][15]){
        int i=0;
            printf("\nEnter name: ");

void show_data(char name[][15]){
    int i;


void readstring(char str[]){
    int i=0;
    while((str[i++]=getchar())!='\n' && i<15);


The output shows like this:


The problem is here:


Change it to:


The problem is that name is a 2 - d array, or , an array of strings. Therefore, to access one string in the array of strings, you need to use an index for that particular string.

In fact, the calling function readstring() expects a string as an argument.

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