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Hibernate generates wrong inner join query for MySQL

I'm developing my first project with JPA, with MySQL as my database and Hibernate 4.3.8 as my JPA provider in a Spring 4 web project.

In my Spring config, I set the database and the dialect:

HibernateJpaVendorAdapter hjpaVA = new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter();

I try to get this query that gives me trouble:

TypedQuery<KundeDTO> query = entityManager.createQuery("select new zdb.dto.KundeDTO(k.id, k.firma.firmenname, k.regnr, k.kategorie) 
from Kunde k where k.id = :id", KundeDTO.class);

This is the SQL that Hibernate generates:

select kunde0_.`id` as col_0_0_, firma1_.`firmenname` as col_1_0_, kunde0_.`regnr` as col_2_0_, kunde0_.id_kategorie as col_3_0_ 
from `zdb_e`.`Kunde` kunde0_, `zdb_e`.`Firma` firma1_ 
inner join `zdb_e`.`Kategorie` kategorie2_ on kunde0_.id_kategorie=kategorie2_.`id` 
where kunde0_.id_firma=firma1_.`id` and kunde0_.`id`=1;

Note that there are no parentheses on the inner join!

Running this statement results in the following error:

Unknown column 'kunde0_.id_kategorie' in 'on clause'

The reason for the exception is detailed here: mysql-unknown-column-in-on-clause

When I add the parentheses to the where and the inner join clauses and run the statement directly against the database it works:

select kunde0_.`id` as col_0_0_, firma1_.`firmenname` as col_1_0_, kunde0_.`regnr` as col_2_0_, kunde0_.id_kategorie as col_3_0_ 
from (`zdb_e`.`Kunde` kunde0_, `zdb_e`.`Firma` firma1_ )
inner join `zdb_e`.`Kategorie` kategorie2_ on 
( kunde0_.id_kategorie=kategorie2_.`id` ) 
where kunde0_.id_firma=firma1_.`id` and kunde0_.`id`=1;

So, how can I persuade Hibernate to generate the query like that?

update: here are the entities


public class Kunde implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Integer id;

    private Integer regnr;

    @JoinColumn(name="id_firma", nullable = false)
    private Firma firma;

    @JoinColumn(name="id_kategorie", nullable = false)
    private Kategorie kategorie;

    @JoinColumn(name="id_lieferregion", nullable = false)
    private Lieferregion lieferregion;

    // getters and setters....


@Table(name = "Firma")
public class Firma implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Integer id;

    private String firmenname;
    private String uid;

    @JoinColumn(name="id_anschrift", nullable = false)
    private Anschrift anschrift;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy="id_firma", fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
    private List<Person> personen;

    public Firma() {
        personen = new ArrayList<Person>();
    // getters and setters....


public class Kategorie implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Integer id;

    private Integer nummer;
    private String bezeichnung;

    public Kategorie() {

    public Kategorie(int kategorieId, int kategorieNummer, String kategorieBezeichnung) {
        this.id = kategorieId;
        this.nummer = kategorieNummer;
        this.bezeichnung = kategorieBezeichnung;
    // getters and setters....

DB schemas

CREATE TABLE kategorie 
    nummer INTEGER NOT NULL, 
    bezeichnung VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),        
    UNIQUE (nummer, bezeichnung)

    firmenname VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    uid VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    url VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    id_anschrift INTEGER NOT NULL,
    id_logo INTEGER,
    PRIMARY KEY (id),
    UNIQUE (uid),
    UNIQUE (firmenname),
    UNIQUE (id_anschrift),
    CONSTRAINT firma_fk2 FOREIGN KEY (id_logo) REFERENCES logo (ID));

    id_kategorie INTEGER NOT NULL,
    id_firma INTEGER NOT NULL,
    id_benutzer INTEGER,
    id_lieferregion INTEGER NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id), 
    UNIQUE (regnr, id_kategorie),
    UNIQUE (id_firma),
    UNIQUE (id_benutzer),
    CONSTRAINT kunde_fk1 FOREIGN KEY (id_firma) REFERENCES firma (id),
    CONSTRAINT kunde_fk2 FOREIGN KEY (id_benutzer) REFERENCES benutzer (id),
    CONSTRAINT kunde_fk3 FOREIGN KEY (id_kategorie) REFERENCES kategorie (id),
    CONSTRAINT kunde_fk4 FOREIGN KEY (id_lieferregion) REFERENCES lieferregion (id)

upon further testing

The problem are the missing parentheses on the from clause.

Going directly against the db:

select k.id, k.regnr, f.firmenname from (Kunde k, Firma f) JOIN kategorie kat on k.id_kategorie = kat.id where k.id = 1 and k.id_firma = f.id;


select k.id, k.regnr, f.firmenname from Kunde k, Firma f JOIN kategorie kat on k.id_kategorie = kat.id where k.id = 1 and k.id_firma = f.id;

Doesn't work: Unknown column 'k.id_kategorie' in 'on clause'

Why do I even need the parentheses on the from clause?
And how can I make Hibernate put them in?

I didn't get it to work with JPQL, so I did as jgr suggested in the comments and wrote my own sql native query:

String sql = "select k.id, f.firmenname, k.regnr, kat.id, kat.nummer, kat.bezeichnung from (zdb_e.Kunde k, zdb_e.Firma f) JOIN zdb_e.kategorie kat on k.id_kategorie = kat.id where k.id = :id and k.id_firma = f.id;";
Query query =  entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql, schemaName), "KundenListeRow");
query.setParameter("id", id);
return (KundeDTO) query.getSingleResult();

For the mapping into my Pojo KundeDTO I added @SqlResultSetMapping to the Kunde Entity:

@SqlResultSetMapping(name = "KundenListeRow",
classes = {
    @ConstructorResult(targetClass = KundeDTO.class,
            columns = {
                    @ColumnResult(name = "id"),
                    @ColumnResult(name = "firmenname"),
                    @ColumnResult(name = "regnr"),
                    @ColumnResult(name = "kat.id"),
                    @ColumnResult(name = "kat.nummer"),
                    @ColumnResult(name = "kat.bezeichnung")
public class Kunde implements Serializable {

And the corresponding constructor in the DTO:

public class KundeDTO {
    int id;
    String firmenname;
    Kategorie k;
    int regnr;

    public KundeDTO(int id, String firmenname, int regnr, int kategorieId, int kategorieNummer, String kategorieBezeichnung) {
        this.id = id;
        this.firmenname = firmenname;
        this.regnr = regnr;
        this.k = new Kategorie(kategorieId, kategorieNummer, kategorieBezeichnung);
    public KundeDTO() {

As I said, it works. But it is not ideal. With JPQL I could use a TypedQuery and not have to deal with the resultSetMapping.

Of course, I still don't know why my JPQL doesn't work. :-)

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