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How to know add element to an array if checkbox is checked and remove it if unchecked?

Here is my code on HTML. I find it on google that I can use this.

<input type="checkbox" ng-true-value="addTitle(cpPortfolioItem)" ng-false-value="removeTitle(cpPortfolioItem)">

Here is my angularJS controller.

$scope.addTitle = function(cpPortfolioItem){
        console.log('$scope.selectedTitles', $scope.selectedTitles);

     $scope.removeTitle = function(cpPortfolioItem){
        console.log('$scope.selectedTitles', $scope.selectedTitles);

it doesn't work. I have logged it in console but I can see it neither push or splice the array. Maybe ng-true-value is not a valid directive? Anyone can help me on this? I will really appreciate it.

Base on the documentation ng-true-value and ng-false-value value are not event handlers. These are the value set to the model when input is checked( ng-true-value ) or unchecked( ng-false-value ).

Use this instead or use ng-model and attach $watch to the model.

Use ng-change

<input type="checkbox" ng-change="titleChange()" ng-model="titleChanged">

In controller,

$scope.titleChanged = false;
$scope.titleChange = function() {
   if ($scope.titleChanged) {
   } else {

Working example:- http://jsfiddle.net/Shital_D/Lcumc3t7/10/

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