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Use ImageMagick as component without installing

I am developing a java application where i require image conversion and I want to use imageMagick for that.

I made a java program using jmagick.jar in classpath and then installed imageMagick. Then the program was running as expected. But i want to pack imageMagick component in my application, so separate installation should not be done.

So i copied the program files from original place to somewhere else and uninstall imageMagick. Then Ii gave JVM argument as -Djava.library.path="F:\\\\ImageMagick-6.3.9-Q16\\\\"

So i am getting error as Exception in thread "main":

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: F:\ImageMagick-6.3.9-Q16\jmagick.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

So please tell me how and where to give dependent libraries path in program and how to use imageMagick without installing. I tried searching through web. but didn't get any useful information

Rather then coping dll files around, use something like Maven to manage your dependencies. Your project now has a dependency of jmagick; which in turn, has a prequisite of ImageMagick (see section 0 in JMagick INSTALL document.)

How to use ImageMagick without installing

You can not. The system running your application will need to have Imagemagick libraries, headers, and delegates to satisfy JMagick.


Ideally your project should included a installation script that checks for system dependencies, and respects environment variables that may be defined by a system administrator. See ImageMagick hints for details that can influence installation.

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