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What is the proper way to read a non element value in the custom JQuery validation rule?

What must be instead of element.data('maxLength') ?
My target is to check the value without the spaces. That is what I need.
So, standart maxLength is unsuitable for me.

$.validator.addMethod("numberLength", function(value, element) {
   return value.replaceAll(' ', '').length <= element.data('maxLength');
}, '-');
price: {
    numberlength: 12

This is the maxlength method from within the plugin...

maxlength: function( value, element, param ) {
    var length = $.isArray( value ) ? value.length : this.getLength( value, element );
    return this.optional( element ) || length <= param;

Create your custom method based on the default function...

$.validator.addMethod("numberLength", function( value, element, param ) {
    var trimmedvalue = value.replaceAll(' ', '');
    var length = $.isArray( trimmedvalue ) ? trimmedvalue.length : this.getLength( trimmedvalue, element );
    return this.optional( element ) || length <= param;
}, '-');

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