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Handling errors in ANTLR4 JavaScript

I am using ANTLR4 JavaScript to create a sort of a web IDE for a custom language.

It all works great, apart from the fact that errors are logged to the console and I can't figure out a way to redirect those errors somewhere I can present them to the users.

At the moment, they are shown on the JS console like this:


Could anyone point me on the right direction (which file I need to edit, etc)?

Cannot speak directly to the Javascript implementation, but for Java there are:

Parser.removeErrorListeners() // removes the default ConsoleErrorListener Parser.addErrorListener(....) // add back a custom error listener

Do this after creating the Parser and before running it.

You can do this by implementing the antlr4.error.ErrorListener interface and providing one of the interface methods such as syntaxError to be invoked upon each error.

class ExprErrorListener extends antlr4.error.ErrorListener {
  syntaxError(recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, err) {

Disable the default error listener and enable the custom listener with:

parser.addErrorListener(new ExprErrorListener());

Note that you can skip the class and pass in an object with the syntaxError function available. Here's a minimal, complete example on the Expr.g4 grammar:

const antlr4 = require("antlr4");
const {ExprLexer} = require("./parser/ExprLexer");
const {ExprParser} = require("./parser/ExprParser");

const expression = "2 + 8 * 9 - \n";
const input = new antlr4.InputStream(expression);
const lexer = new ExprLexer(input);
const tokens = new antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer);

const parser = new ExprParser(tokens);
parser.buildParseTrees = true;
  syntaxError: (recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, err) => {
    console.error(`${offendingSymbol} line ${line}, col ${column}: ${msg}`);

const tree = parser.prog();


[@6,12:12='\n',<10>,1:12] line 1, col 12: mismatched input '\n' expecting {'(', ID, INT}

See also error handlers .

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