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Cron job not kicking off every 30minutes

i want the following page to be accessed to update news for my site, but i noticed it is not executing every 30minutes as i would like it to.

Would appreciate if you see any issue with my line below after hitting

crontab -e

# m h  dom mon dow   command
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/wget http://servername.us/application/api.php5?action=topnews_update=1 -q > /dev/null


Try 0,30 rather than */30 . Some unixes do not support the */ , so although perhaps not likely, it's worth a shot hardcoding the minutes.

I use this configuration and it works for me,

0-59/15 * * * *

This is for running every 15 mins. for your condition replace 15 by 30.

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