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google-apps-script count files in folder

I've had a search but cannot seem to find what I am looking for.

I am seeking the code to enable me to do this pseudocode:

  1. Count number of files in specific Google Drive folder (by folder Id)
  2. If file count is above 'x' do this {other piece of code}
  3. else, exit

Can anyone help me out?

I can't find any method to give the count for the number of files, so I guess you'll need to loop through every file, and have a counter:

function countFilesInFolder() {
  var count,file,files,theFolder;//Define variables without assigning a value

  theFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById('your file ID');
  files = theFolder.getFiles();

  count = 0;

  while (files.hasNext()) {
   file = files.next();
   if (count > 5) {


function fncNextFunction() {


Note: If I just have the counter increment without getting the next file, the script editor freezes.

Here is an alternative method using the advanced Drive Service:

//This requires the Drive API To be turned on in the Advanced Google Services
function countFilesInFolder() {

 var query = 'trashed = false and ' +
        "'Your Folder ID here' in parents";

  var filesInFolder = Drive.Files.list({q: query});

  Logger.log('filesInFolder: ' + filesInFolder.items.length);

  for (var i=0;i<filesInFolder.items.length;i++) {
    //Logger.log('key: ' + key);
    var thisItem = filesInFolder.items[i];
    Logger.log('value: ' + thisItem.title);

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