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Stanford Parser

i parse a string with a java class ( for POS tagging ); the output is a .txt file that i load with this function in lispworks :

 (let ((in (open "C:/a.txt" :if-does-not-exist nil)))
   (when in
      (loop for line = (read-line in nil)

      while line do (format t "~a~%" line))
      (close in)

is there any way to use the java class directly into lisp code ? without doing it separately !

Maybe with Armed Bear Common Lisp (ABCL) ?

"Armed Bear Common Lisp (ABCL) is a full implementation of the Common Lisp language featuring both an interpreter and a compiler, running in the JVM.

[…] it can be used to implement (parts of) the application using Java to Lisp integration APIs."

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