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Pyautogui click not clicking properly

in this code:

temp = None
while temp == None:
    temp = pyautogui.locateOnScreen("Play_Button.PNG")

play_buttonx, play_buttony = pyautogui.center(temp)

pyautogui.click(play_buttonx, play_buttony, duration = 0.3)

The pointer heads to the center of the button and stops!

I tried the win32api + win32con, still it didn't work, I tried setting "clicks" to a different number, changing intervals, etc..., yet nothing works, once I touch my mousepad the button is clicked and the game starts...


尝试用pyautogui.click(play_buttonx, play_buttonny, clicks = 2, duration = 0.3)替换pyautogui.click(play_buttonx, play_buttony, duration = 0.3)第一次点击应该让python选择窗口然后第二次点击应该实际点击按钮。

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