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CSV of XY coordinates for multiple polygons

I have "borrowed" bits and piece of python code to help me do this but, I am having trouble getting exactly what I want. I am trying to get the XY coordinates of the vertices of several polygons. I want to be able to know which polygon each vertex is belongs to and want each on a single line. It would also be good to have the vertex ID. The following code gets me close but it writes a single line for the polygon then gives me each of the vertices on a separate line, and I don't know how to get the vertex IDs.

import arcpy, os, csv
from arcpy import env
fc = "Z:/VHF/MyShapefile.shp"
csv = open("Z:/VHF/UECAVerticesFinal.csv", "w")

#with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ("OID@", 'PARCELID','UECA', "SHAPE@X","SHAPE@Y")) as cursor:
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ("OID@", 'PARCELID','UECA', "SHAPE@")) as cursor:

 for row in cursor:
#   partnum = 0 taken out because it writes the same vertex for every poly
    for part in row[3]:
#   for row in cursor:
#    print ("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3]))
     csv.write("{0},{1},{2}\n".format(row[0],row[1], row[2]))
#     print ("{0},{1},{2}\n".format(row[0],row[1], row[2]))
    for vertex in part:
#     print(", , , {0},{1}\n".format(vertex.X, vertex.Y))
     csv.write(", , , {0},{1}\n".format(vertex.X, vertex.Y))
#   partnum +=1 see line 10

(above code borrowed from Writing XY coordinates to CSV file using Python among others)

This code should do what you want, using the OBJECTID to identify each polygon:

 with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ["OID@", "SHAPE@"]) as cursor: for row in cursor: for part in row[1]: for vertex in part: csv.write("{0},{1},{2},{3}".format(row[0], vertex.ID, vertex.X, vertex.Y) 

As for getting vertex IDs, I have not been able to find documentation on that, and there may not be such a thing. Points are used to construct polygons, so do you mean point IDs? (These are included in my answer). See http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//018z0000006t000000 for the official explanation.

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