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python CGI print function

I have a very stupid problem, i'm trying to print the type of a variable direct to the browser, but the browser skips this action, here an example:

import cgi, cgitb;  cgitb.enable()

def print_keyword_args(**kwargs):

    # kwargs is a dict of the keyword args passed to the function
    for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
        a =     type(value)
        print "<br>"        
        print "%s = %s" % (key, value), "<br>"
        print "going to print<br>"
        print "printing %s" % a, "<br>"
        print "printed<br>" 
        print "<br>"    

form = {'a': 1, "v": None, "f": "ll"}

print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n"
print "<html>"
print "<head>"
print "<title>form</title>"
print "</head>"
print "<body>"
print "</body>"
print "</html>"

The browser response is:

a = 1 
going to print

v = None 
going to print

f = ll 
going to print

Desired response is:

a = 1 
going to print 
printing "int"

v = None 
going to print 
printing "boolean"

f = ll 
going to print
printing  "str"

source code:

a = 1 <br>
going to print<br>
printing <type 'int'> <br>
v = None <br>
going to print<br>
printing <type 'NoneType'> <br>
f = ll <br>
going to print<br>
printing <type 'str'> <br>

I think the problem is in <> of type output, a way to solve this? Thanks in advance.


cgi.escape("printing %s" % a, "<br>")

Your browser doesn't show the <type 'int'> brackets as it thinks it's an HTML element:

In [1]: a = type(1)

In [2]: print a
<type 'int'>

In [3]: print "printing %s" % a
printing <type 'int'>

You can either view the source of your page where you should see the output or you need to escape the < and > brackets, for example like this:

In [4]: import cgi

In [5]: print cgi.escape("printing %s" % a)
printing &lt;type 'int'&gt;

You are essentially printing the type object: a = type(value) , which will print <type 'int'> . The browser will process it as a tag. To get your expected output try using the following:

a = type(value).__name__

The type object has an attribute called __name__ which can stores the string value of the type. Example:

>>> # Expected output
>>> type(1).__name__
>>> 'int'
>>> # Unexpected output
>>> type(1)
>>> <type 'int'>

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