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sort array on 2 level in javascript

I have this array:
var temp_arr = ["4~3", "4~6", "4~1", "4~8", "2~7", "2~0", "2~4", "7~5", "7~9", "7~7", "0~2", "0~0", "4~4", "4~5", "4~7"];

And I want to sort using value , which is before tild and then with value which is after the tild .

I found few solutions on internet but its not working.

var temp_arr = ["4~3", "4~6", "4~1", "4~8", "2~7", "2~0", "2~4", "7~5", "7~9", "7~7", "0~2", "0~0", "4~4", "4~5", "4~7"];

    return Number(a.split('~')[0]) - Number(b.split('~')[0]);

        var a_ = Number(a.split('~')[1]);
        var b_ = Number(b.split('~')[1]);
        var a2 = Number(a.split('~')[0]);
        var b2 = Number(b.split('~')[0]);
        if(a2 != b2)
            return 0;
        else if(a_ != b_)
            return a_ > b_;

Here is jsFiddle

You can use this code:

var temp_arr = ["4~3", "4~6", "4~1", "4~8", "2~7", "2~0", "2~4", "7~5", "7~9", "7~7", "0~2", "0~0", "4~4", "4~5", "4~7"];

for(var i = 0; i < temp_arr.length; i++)
    for(var it = 0; it < temp_arr.length-1; it++)
        var it1 = temp_arr[it];
        var it2 = temp_arr[it+1];
        var right1 = Number(it1.split('~')[1]);
        var right2 = Number(it2.split('~')[1]);
        var left1 = Number(it1.split('~')[0]);
        var left2 = Number(it2.split('~')[0]);
        if(left1 > left2 || (right1 > right2 && left1 == left2))
            var temp = temp_arr[it];
            temp_arr[it] = temp_arr[it+1];
            temp_arr[it+1] = temp;

It's using a modified version of bubble sort.


Edit: Made it a bit shorter

If you want a shorter piece of code using your idea, you can use

var temp_arr = ["4~3", "4~6", "4~1", "4~8", "2~7", "2~0", "2~4", "7~5", "7~9", "7~7", "0~2", "0~0", "4~4", "4~5", "4~7"];

   var t = Number(a.split('~')[0]) - Number(b.split('~')[0]);
   if (t == 0)
       return Number(a.split('~')[1]) - Number(b.split('~')[1]);
       return t;


Hope it helps Dan

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