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Rails Bundle Install Not Finding Gem

I'm having a problem with the rails

bundle install

command not being able to find a local gemfile.

The gem is located here::


I included the gem in my Gemfile. But when I try to bundle my application, it get this error::

Could not find gem 'mygemname-1.5.0.SNAPSHOT' (>= 0) ruby' in the gems available on this machine.

I can see the gem sitting on my hardrive, but the bundle install command says it doesn't exist. Does anybody have any ideas on what may be going on here?

Thanks for your time.

As I can´t comment yet...

I would check:
- Is it really the .gem folder holding the gem or is it symlinked (I am not confident that symlinks work on bundle install)
- Is rbenv or rvm in the game and is the installed gem installed with one of those or globally?

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