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Cast from generic to generic

In a nutshell I'm trying to get this code working:

class it<X>
    X[] data;
    int pos;

    public Y get<Y>()
        return (Y) data[pos];

Basically, I have lots of arrays of different primitives that needs to be processed another place as different primitives. The former code won't compile because the compiler doesn't know what X and Y is. The following, does, however:

    public Y get<Y>()
        return (Y) (object) data[pos];

However, then I get runtime exceptions like:

InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.

Which seems silly because C# obviously has a cast between floats and doubles (and other primitives). I'm guessing it has something to do with boxing and such, but I'm pretty new to C# so I don't really know - I guess I'm used to C++ templates. Note that a conversion between X and Y always exists - can I tell the compiler this, some way?

You could use Convert 's ChangeType -method:

public Y get<Y>()
    return (Y)Convert.ChangeType(data[pos], typeof(Y));

It might also be a good idea to add some generic constraints to your class and method to ensure only primitives can be passed:

class it<X> where X : struct

public Y get<Y>() where Y : struct

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