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Calling static method from static method would be thread safe in C#?

I have a static class which contains methods only and none of them share static fields since i don't have any. I am calling one static method from another static method in the same static class.
Is is thread safe? it is a Asp.Net MVC 4 application.

Example code:

public static void RecordHasUserIDOnly(int WebRequestID, int UserID)
        _RecordWebRequest(WebRequestID, null, UserID);

public static void Record(int WebRequestID, int UserID, int UserLogID)
        _RecordWebRequest(WebRequestID, UserLogID, UserID);

public static void _RecordWebRequest(int WebRequestID, int? UserLogID,int? UserId )
        b_l_webrequest B_L_WebRequest = new b_l_webrequest();
        B_L_WebRequest.rq_id = WebRequestID;
        B_L_WebRequest.log_id = UserLogID;
        B_L_WebRequest.user_id = UserId;
        B_L_WebRequest.rq_time = DateTime.Now;


You do share a static field or property:

public static void _RecordWebRequest(int WebRequestID, int? UserLogID,int? UserId )
   b_l_webrequest B_L_WebRequest = new b_l_webrequest();

So it all depends on how thread-safe PerRequestLevelObjects is.

It has little to do with "calling static method from static method", or in which classes they are. The only issue for thread-safety is shared data.

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