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htaccess rewrite to remove query string

I need to rewrite the following:




No matter what I try the URI rewrite to the new address but it keeps the query string attached. I need to lose this. I've tried so many options and none seem to work, can anybody ofgfer some advice. I thought this would do it, but no:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}  (.*)(?:^|&)page=(?:[^&]*)((?:&|$).*)
RewriteCond %1%2 (^|&)([^&].*|$)
RewriteRule ^(/drinks/category/beer)$ https://www.mystuff.com/food-drink/beer/ale  [R=301, L]

Can anybody help?

You need to add an empty query string to truncate it on the rewrite. Add a single ? to the end of the rewrite:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING}  (.*)(?:^|&)page=(?:[^&]*)((?:&|$).*)
RewriteCond %1%2 (^|&)([^&].*|$)
RewriteRule ^(/drinks/category/beer)$ https://www.mystuff.com/food-drink/beer/ale?  [R=301, L]

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