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GXT MessageBox with scrollable content

I have to show a stacktrace using a GXT AlertMessageBox , and I would like to have a fixed-size box with the content being scrollable (at least vertically). Unfortunately I am not able to achieve that.

What I've done so far is the following :

  • use an @XTemplate like this

     @XTemplate(value = "<pre>{stacktrace}</pre>") SafeHtml render(String stacktrace); 

    to render the stacktrace. Here <pre> is needed to retain the stacktrace format.

  • Use a GXT AlertMessageBox to render the template like this :

     MessageBox box = new AlertMessageBox("", ""); box.setMessage(StacktraceTemplate.RENDERER.render(stackTrace).asString()); box.setHeadingText("Stacktrace"); box.setResize(false); box.setHeight(700); box.show(); 

It seems to me that I can either :

  • have the container resize itself to the size of the content (if I let box.setResize(true) , which is the default anyway)
  • have the container truncate the stacktrace to the size I specify by box.setHeight()

I have already tried the following :

  • have the template declaring overflow: scroll; (ie @XTemplate(value = "<pre style='overflow: scroll;'>{stacktrace}</pre>") and also @XTemplate(value = "<div style='overflow: scroll;'><pre>{stacktrace}</pre></div>") ). The result is that I see a disabled scrollbar, and the content is still truncated.
  • wrapping the SafeHtml resulting from the XTemplate in an HTML , and then adding it to a ScrollPanel . Then I added the scrollpanel as the box's message this way :

     ScrollPanel container = new ScrollPanel(content); container.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(true); HTMLPanel panel = new HTMLPanel(""); panel.add(container.asWidget()); MessageBox box = new MessageBox(SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("<div>StackTrace</div>"),SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(panel.getElement().getInnerHTML())); // same setResize, setHeight, show as before 

    but the result is the same (ie disabled scrollbar).

  • wrapping in a FlowLayoutContainer with getScrollSupport().setScrollMode(ScrollSupport.ScrollMode.ALWAYS); . Same result.

What should I do to have a fixed size MessageBox with scrollable content?

It turns out that I was quite near to a solution : the idea is to let the MessageBox adapt its size to the content, and then to fix the size of the ScrollPanel like this :

HTML content = new HTML(StacktraceTemplate.RENDERER.render(stackTrace));
ScrollPanel container = new ScrollPanel(content);
HTMLPanel panel = new HTMLPanel("");
MessageBox box = new AlertMessageBox(

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