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How to install phpmyadmin on Windows 7

I am new to this ,

I have installed the apache server.

But when i call localhost/phpmyadmin its not coming with the proper screen.

I have tried with changing the index.html to index.php in the conf file and has also copied the phpmyadmin file to the htdocs but still not working.

When I type localhost/phpmyadmin what I am getting I have pasted the same below , please help me regarding this.

    /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
     * Main loader script
     * @package PhpMyAdmin

Ixg is on the right lines go to one of the following three links for an easier way to run and manage phpmyadmin.

XAMPP : I personally use this one and know more about it.

Link: https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html

WAMP : Not got an insight on it, get one yourself?

Link: http://www.wampserver.com/en/

MAMP : Notorious for composer install problems.

Link: https://www.mamp.info/en/downloads/

I would strongly advise to use one of these, they are great development environments and make developing a LOT easier!

The reason why you're seeing the PHP source code is because your Apache cannot execute PHP by itself. It is not sufficient to install Apache, you also need a component that executes PHP. For Apache, that would be mod_php .

However, don't bother installing the LAMP stack manually. Instead, you can use XAMPP which does not only provide Apache, PHP and MySQL, but also gives you a nicely integrated phpMyAdmin out of the box.

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