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Not able to suppress the output in shell script

I am using following code to perform an operation. But everytime "ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)" is getting printed on the console. I dont want this to be printed on the console and rather it should be suppressed. How to achieve it? code:

bindError="ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)"
basedn=`cat $LDAP_CONF | grep basedn | cut -d " " -f2`
verify=`su - omc -c "ldapsearch -x -n -D 

"uid=$userName,ou=people,ou=accounts,$basedn" -w $newPswd"`

if echo "$verify" | grep -q "$bindError"; then
    printPasswdLog "${ERR}" "bind to ldap server failed"
    printPasswdLog "${INF}" "bind to ldap server Successful for $userName "

I am getting the below output:

ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49) Wed Jun 3 12:45:56 EEST 2015| INFO | bind to ldap server Successful for nwi3system

If you really want to suppress all error messages, just put this at the start of the script:

exec 2> /dev/null

But you really don't want to do that. It's probably sufficient to do:

verify=$(su - omc -c "ldapsearch -x -n -D 

uid=$userName,ou=people,ou=accounts,$basedn -w $newPswd" 2> /dev/null)

but you don't want to do that either. Why do you want to throw away a perfectly good error message to replace it with one that contains less information?

You can redirect your error to some other file or to /dev/null . You can use this way

./SCRIPT 2> /dev/null

This will redirect error to /dev/null and no record will be of error.

Instead better will be to record it somewhere. Try this

./SCRIPT 2>> error.txt

This will create a file and all errors will be recorded there.

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