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System.InvalidCastException when getting SQL Server ROWVERSION into System.Data.Linq.Binary property

I am using IDataReader to select all from SQL Server DB which contain a Version column with Data Type ROWVERSION Here is My code:


private Binary _version;
public Binary Version
    get { return _version; }
    set { _version = value; }

public ItemDetails(int ItemID, string AddedBy, DateTime AddingDate, 
  string LastUpdateBy, DateTime LastUpdateDate,Binary Version)
    this.ItemID = ItemID;
    this.AddedBy = AddedBy;
    this.AddingDate = AddingDate;
    this.LastUpdateBy = LastUpdateBy;
    this.LastUpdateDate = LastUpdateDate;
    this.Version = Version;


protected virtual ItemDetails GetItemFromReader(IDataReader Reader)
    return new ItemDetails(
protected virtual List<ItemDetails> GetItemCollectionFromReader(IDataReader Reader)
    List<ItemDetails> Items = new List<ItemDetails>();
    while (Reader.Read())
    return Items;

I got

System.InvalidCastException in GetItemFromReader(IDataReader Reader) at (byte[])Reader["Version"])

How can I fix this? Thank You

After looking through many posts here and there I found the solution which is:

ItemProvider.cs replace:



new Binary((byte[])Reader["Version"])

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