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How do I make this select query?

I want to create a SELECT query in mysql.

There are two tables, users and image_info , and need to select following columns.

user table : user_id, username, dob

image_info : image, image_path

When selecting image. I need to get only primary image from image_info table. In image_info table there is a column like:

image_type ENUM('primary', 'gallery') DEFAULT NULL,

This is how I tried it..

$q = "SELECT u.user_id, u.username, u.dob, i.image, i.image_path
            FROM users u 
                INNER JOIN image_info i ON i.user_id = u.user_id
            WHERE u.sex = 'Male'
            ORDER BY u.date_registered DESC LIMIT 6";

But it doesn't work properly to get my expected output.

UPDATE: my table outputs..

mysql> select user_id, username, sex from users;
| user_id | username    | sex    |
|       1 | thara1234   | Male   |
|       2 | root234     | Male   |
|       3 | kamal123    | Female |
|       4 | Nilantha    | Male   |
|       5 | Ruwan324324 | Male   |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select user_id, image, image_type from image_info;
| user_id | image                      | image_type |
|       2 | 2_root234_1433564588.jpg   | primary    |
|       1 | 1_thara1234_1433555104.jpg | primary    |
|       1 | 1_thara1234_1433556481.jpg | gallery    |
|       4 | 4_Nilantha_1433573768.jpg  | primary    |
4 rows in set (0.03 sec)

Thank you.

I think, query would be :-

SELECT User.user_id, User.username, User.dob, Image.image, Image.image_path
    users User LEFT JOIN image_info Image
    ON User.user_id = Image.user_id AND Image.image_type = 'PRIMARY'
WHERE User.sex= 'Male'
ORDER BY User.date_registered DESC LIMIT 6

As you said you need the user either he has an image or not you should use left join in your query:

SELECT u.user_id, u.username, u.dob, i.image, i.image_path
            FROM users u 
                LEFT JOIN image_info i ON i.user_id = u.user_id
            WHERE u.sex = 'Male' and (i.image_type = 'primary' or i.image_type is null)
            ORDER BY u.date_registered DESC LIMIT 6;

See here for more information.

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