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VB.Net using & _ to carry to next line

Error Error 1 Operator '&' is not defined for types 'String' and 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'.

What is wrong with this????!??

            "PART = '" & txtPart.Text & "', " & _
            "LOCATION = '" & txtLoc.Text & "', " & _
            "DESCRIPTION = '" & txtDescription.Text & "', " & _
            "CUSTOMER = '" & txtCustID.Text & "', " & _
            "CONTACT_NAME = '" & txtContactName.Text & "', " & _
            "CONTACT_PHONE = '" & txtPhone.Text & "', " & _
            "CONTACT_EMAIL = '" & txtEmail.Text & "', " & _
            "LEAD_TIME = '" & txtLead.Text & "', " & _
            "SETUP = " & txtSetup.Text & ", " & _
            "WEIGHTPP = " & txtPCWT.Text & ", " & _
            "NOTES = '" & txtNotes.Text & "', " & _
            "LAST_MODIFIED = '" & DateTime.Now & "', " & _
            "LABOR_RATE = " & txtLabor.Text & ", " & _
            "OVERHEAD = " & txtOH.Text & ", " & _
            "GA = " & txtGA.Text & ", " & _
            "SORT_CODE = '" & txtSortCode.Text & "', " & _
            "REFERENCE = '" & txtReference.Text & "', " & _
            "PL = '" & txtPL.Text & "', " & _
            "CUST_DRAW_NO = '" & txtCustDraw.Text & "', " & _
            "COMMISSION = " & txtCommission.Text & ", " & _
            "PCWT = " & txtPCWT & _
            "WHERE QUOTE_ID = " & txtQuoteID.Text

What is wrong with this????!??

Quite a bit, actually. But let's start with the error itself...

On this line:

"PCWT = " & txtPCWT & _

You're trying to concatenate a TextBox to a String . As the error states, you can't do that. Perhaps you meant to use the .Text property:

"PCWT = " & txtPCWT.Text & _

Now, what else is wrong?

First, your code is highly vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. You're going to want to use parameterized queries instead of executing user input as code .

Second, using parameterized queries will make the code a lot easier to read and support, which will make errors like this much easier to find.

Third, on this line there's a significant potential for bugs:

"LAST_MODIFIED = '" & DateTime.Now & "', " & _

Using parameterized queries will remove the culture-dependent string representations from the query and use the actual DateTime data in the query. And you should also get into the habit of using DateTime.UtcNow instead, as having a consistent non-timezone-dependent value is going to make things a lot easier when you have to deal with multiple time zones.

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