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How to get Mouse support for dtterm terminal in solaris

When i run vim inside screen, with TERM set to dtterm, there is no mouse support. How do i enable mouse support for dtterm TERMINAL.

Running TERM with xtermc is not feasible as this garbles the background color in vim when running inside screen.

There is more than one problem:

  • xtermc does not match any terminal that you are likely to encounter (noted in xterm FAQ What $TERM should I use?
  • dtterm does not match xtermc either (use infocmp xtermc dtterm to see).
  • Sun stopped providing up-to-date terminal entries about 20 years ago. Perhaps the last change was related to dtterm . At the time, their /etc/termcap file had an incorrectly-formatted entry for dtterm .
  • dtterm does not support xterm-style mouse functionality. As I recall it, the mindset of its developers was that no one used it. So all you can get is GUI-style (non-programmatic) mouse select/paste.
  • dtterm does attempt to emulate VT220 (which had no mouse), but has some problems in that (a bug in scrolling).
  • ncurses has an improved terminal description for dtterm , but that bug in scrolling cannot be described in terminfo (other than pretending that dtterm cannot scroll).
  • dtterm was part of CDE, which Sun deprecated as of Solaris 10. Oracle still provides documentation . Earlier, they dropped OpenWindows in favor of CDE (see transition guide ).
  • the escape sequences manual for dtterm does not mention "mouse".

So: you should set TERM to dtterm if you are using that program. vim will not know anything about its mouse capabilities.

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