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Verify a RSA public key in OpenSSL?

I have an EVP_PKEY with only the public part of a RSA key. I extracted the public part from a SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure in DER encoding. This is what I have now:

unsigned char publicKey[] = {0x30, 0x5a, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, ...}
size_t publicKeyLength = 92;
unsigned char* publicKeyCopy = new unsigned char[publicKeyLength];
memcpy(publicKeyCopy, publicKey, publicKeyLength);

RSA *rsa;
rsa = d2i_RSA_PUBKEY(NULL, (unsigned char const **) &pubKey, pubKeyLen);
EVP_PKEY *pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey, rsa);

I know that you can use RSA_check_key to verify a RSA private key but the docs say that " It does not work on RSA public keys that have only the modulus and public exponent elements populated ".

So, is it possible to verify a key without the private part? Because as you can see I have only the public part of the EVP_PKEY. I wonder, is this even possible? What would you verify in a public part of an EVP_PKEY?

You can see the answer for this question Programmatically verify a X509 certificate and private key match but there the full key is validated (private and public parts).

Beware The original code posted in this question has a BUG . This is because internally d2i_RSA_PUBKEY uses d2i_PUBKEY and d2i_PUBKEY uses d2i_X509_PUBKEY (in x_pubkey.c ). If you read the documentation for d2i_X509 you will see the next "WARNING: The use of temporary variable is mandatory. A common mistake is to attempt to use a buffer directly..." . So the corrected code will have to use a temporary copy of publicKeyCopy and after the use you could safely delete publicKeyCopy :

Beware The original code posted in this question has a BUG...

I'm just going to comment on this, and show you how to handle it.

unsigned char publicKey[] = {0x30, 0x5a, 0x30, 0x0d, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, ...}
size_t publicKeyLength = sizeof(publicKey);

unsigned char* t = publicKey;
rsa = d2i_RSA_PUBKEY(NULL, &t, pubKeyLen);

Internally, the temporary pointer t is incremented, so its wasted. It will point to some place after the buffer if everything works as expected. What you should find is (size_t)t - (size_t)publicKey == publicKeyLength after the function executes.

Because you used a temporary pointer, the original pointer publicKey is still good. And you can use t to parse the next key if there are consecutive keys in memory.

There's no need to copy the data.

I think a second option is to use a memory BIO and d2i_RSA_PUBKEY_bio . Something like:

BIO* bio = BIO_new_mem_buf(publicKey, (int)publicKeyLength);
ASSERT(bio != NULL);

RSA* rsa = d2i_RSA_PUBKEY_bio(bio, NULL);
ASSERT(rsa != NULL);

/* ... */


The get1 bumps the reference count, so you need to call free on both the EVP_PKEY* and RSA* .

With the help of @jww in this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/29885771/2692914 . I came up with this solution, I hope it is ok:

bool isValidPublicKeyOnly(EVP_PKEY *pkey) {
    //EVP_PKEY_get_type from https://stackoverflow.com/a/29885771/2692914
    int type = EVP_PKEY_get_type(pkey); //checks nullptr
    if (type != EVP_PKEY_RSA && type != EVP_PKEY_RSA2) {
        //not RSA
        return false;

    RSA *rsa = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pkey);
    if (!rsa) {
        return false;

    bool isValid = isValidRSAPublicKeyOnly(rsa);
    return isValid;

bool isValidRSAPublicKeyOnly(RSA *rsa) {
    //from rsa_ameth.c do_rsa_print : has a private key
    //from rsa_chk.c RSA_check_key : doesn't have n (modulus) and e (public exponent)
    if (!rsa || rsa->d || !rsa->n || !rsa->e) {
        return false;
    //from http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?user=guest&pass=guest&id=1454
    //doesnt have a valid public exponent
    return BN_is_odd(rsa->e) && !BN_is_one(rsa->e);

I had a similiar problem and I thought it may be prudent to display my solution to this issue. Unlike lmiguelmh's solution, this one does work in C.

int checkRsaPublic(RSA *rsa, int debug) {
    if (!rsa) {
        printf("ERROR: RSA key not defined!\n");
        return 0;
    const BIGNUM *n;
    const BIGNUM *e;
    const BIGNUM *d;

    const BIGNUM *p;
    const BIGNUM *q;

    const BIGNUM *dmp1;
    const BIGNUM *dmq1;
    const BIGNUM *iqmp;

    RSA_get0_key(rsa, &n, &e, &d);
    RSA_get0_factors(rsa, &p, &q);
    RSA_get0_crt_params(rsa, &dmp1, &dmq1, &iqmp);

    if (debug) {
        if (n) {
            printf("n is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(n));
        if (e) {
            printf("e is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(e));
        if (d) {
            printf("d is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(d));
        if (p) {
            printf("p is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(p));
        if (q) {
            printf("q is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(q));
        if (dmp1) {
            printf("dmp1 is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(dmp1));
        if (dmq1) {
            printf("dmq1 is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(dmq1));
        if (iqmp) {
            printf("iqmp is %s\n", BN_bn2hex(iqmp));

    //RSA_check_key : doesn't have n (modulus) and e (public exponent)
    if (d || !n || !e) {
        printf("ERROR: RSA public key not well defined!\n");
        return 0;

    if (BN_is_odd(e) && !BN_is_one(e)) {
        return 1;

    printf("ERROR: Invalid public exponent.");
    return 0;

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