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Bash Scripting - AWK with Delimiter?

I've got a header in a text file that looks like this:


What I need to do is display the Last-Name and the Cell-Phone number of each entry.

I'm new to bash scripting, and I'm not really sure what I can use to do this. I was told awk could be useful, but after looking around, I still don't quite understand how to use it.


awk -F":" '{print $2, $5}'

I've found csvkit to be a useful utility for dealing with files like this. It's a lot more intuitive than the low-level unix utilities, though admittedly less powerful.

Take the following file:


You can extract the second and fifth columns using csvcut :

csvcut test.csv -d ':' -c 2,5

Which gives the following output (including the header row):


Combining the various csvkit commands together lets you quickly explore your data. For example, the following will filter to all lines with Boston as the City :

csvformat test.csv -d ':' | csvgrep -m Boston -c 3 | csvcut -c 2,5 | csvlook

And csvlook gives you pretty-printed output:

|  Last-Name | Cell-Phone    |
|  Ashbury   | 444-444-4444  |
|  Brown     | 555-555-5555  |

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