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How to return an array of pointers?

I have just made this code to calculate variance and mean of an array of numbers, but I can't find a way to return an array of pointers.

This is my function:

float* statistics(int numbers[], int numbers_len, float * ptr_mean,
float * ptr_variance, float * ptr_stdev, int * ptr_median){

  float*mean; float*variance; float stat[4]; float*array_stat;
  int i=0;

  mean=calculate_mean(numbers, numbers_len);
  variance=calculate_variance(numbers, numbers_len, mean);


    array_stat=(float*)calloc(2, sizeof(float));

  return array_stat;

I need array_stat to be an array of pointers. In int main() I call the function *statistics() this way:

int main(){
  int array_numbers[MAX_ITEMS];
  int n_numbers, i=0;
  float *calculate_statistics;

  calculate_statistics = statistics(array_numbers, n_numbers, ptr_mean,  
  ptr_variance, ptr_stdev, ptr_median);
     printf("\n[%d] ITEM > %0.2f\n", i+1, *calculate_statistics);

Someone can help me please?

In statistics()

array_stat=(float*)calloc(2, sizeof(float));

In main()

     printf("\n[%d] ITEM > %0.2f\n", i+1, calculate_statistics[i]);

Do you only ever want an array of two floats? You might be better off using a struct.

In C and such languages, "arrays" (not spécifically arrays of pointers) are half-baked data types which prevents to return them easily as a single object as you would like.

You can't have them as results returned by a fonction

 int[4]  foo(..parameters...) // no
      int tmp[4];
      return tmp;             // no

A common way to do it it to make the fonction allocate some space, and return a pointer

int*    foo( ...parameters...) 
     int *tmp = malloc(4 *sizeof(int));
     return tmp;

an thus the caller will have to deal with a pointer. Looks mostly like an array (you can use the [] notation for indices), but beware of memory leaks: you'll have to manage the deallocation.

Another approach is to call the function with an extra parameter: the address where the function will put the result.

 void  foo(...parameters...,  int results[4])
      // do some stuff
      // put the results in, hum, results

Calling sequence:

 int results[4];
 foo(12, 345, 6789, results);
 // here we are

So you won't have to manage allocation/deallocation, because the array is an automatic variable (lives on the stack) and, moreover, you won't have to copy data from array to array.

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