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Properly implement F# Unit in C#

This question is not about C#\/F# compatibility as in this one<\/a> .

internal class Unit

I'm not sure what is the best way to define Unit for usage from C#. It might differ from how this is done in F# (because in F#, the compiler hides the usage in a way).

However, you can actually find the implementation of F# unit in the core library:

Here are the key points about the F# unit implementation

  • It implements GetHashCode and Equals in the same way to the Rx version
  • It is IComparable and all values of the unit type are equal
  • Most importantly, it has a private constructor and so you cannot create a new unit value. It also has no default instance (unlike the Rx unit) and so in F#, all unit values are actually represented as null . However, the language/compiler generally hide this fact.

So, it sounds like the only difference in F# is that it uses the null value. If you want to use unit explicitly, this might not be the best choice. However, if you have Unit.Default then you are ultimately defining a type with two possible values, because it can be either Unit.Default or null (and so it is not really a unit!)

System.ValueTuple (without generic argument) is very much unit in C#. The source code is open.

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