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How do you access tables from MS Access in C#?

I am building a C# project that transfers data from an Access database to an SQL database. I am using this command:

sqlMergeDB = "Insert int work.sql_merged_database.dbo." + tablename[a] + 
"SELECT * FROM acs_merged_database.mdb." + tablename[a];

It keeps saying it doesn't recognize the Access table object and I am a thousand percent sure the table name is correct and there is a connection to the database. Maybe I don't know a certain syntax for listing Access data objects.

More specifically the error is invalid object name.


you should create a Linked Server in your SQL server to contact the Access db, for this step you can check this: SQL to Access linked server

Then you can run your insert statement as:
INSERT INTO work.sql_merged_database.dbo.TableA (ColumnA, ColumnB) SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB FROM LinkedServerName.acs_merged_database.SchemaName.TableName

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