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How to insert bulk data into SQLite database in iOS using swift

I want to insert more than 20000 records to local database SQLite using Swift.I am getting data from json service.I am able to insert records successfully, but it is taking morethan 5 minutes to insert.I have searched a lot and implemented the begin and commit transactions, but i have not found any change in execution time. Below is the code:

func saveTeamDepartmentValueData(teamDepartmentValueArray : NSMutableArray) {
    var insertTeamDepartmentValueDataQuery : String = String()

    if (teamDepartmentValueArray.count > 0) {
        var errMsg:UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8> = nil
        sqlite3_exec(database, "BEGIN TRANSACTION", nil, nil, &errMsg)

        insertTeamDepartmentValueDataQuery = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO store_feedback_form_kpi (team_id, department_id,value_id,ordinal,sub_category_id,team_department_value_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"

        println("insertTeamDepartmentValueDataQuery is \(insertTeamDepartmentValueDataQuery)")
        var cSql = insertTeamDepartmentValueDataQuery.cStringUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
        var result:CInt=0
        var statement:COpaquePointer = nil
        var path = getPath()
        var dbpath = path.cStringUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
        let check = sqlite3_open(dbpath!, &database)
        var teamDepartmentValueDict : NSDictionary = NSDictionary()

        sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, cSql!, -1, &statement, nil);

        for teamDepartmentValueDict in teamDepartmentValueArray
            var teamDepartmentValueData : TeamDepartmentValue = TeamDepartmentValue ()
            if var teamId = teamDepartmentValueDict.valueForKey("team_id") as? String
                teamDepartmentValueData.teamId = teamId.toInt()!
                teamDepartmentValueData.teamId = 0
            if var departmentId = teamDepartmentValueDict.valueForKey("department_id") as? String
                teamDepartmentValueData.departmentId = departmentId.toInt()!
                teamDepartmentValueData.departmentId = 0
            if var valueId = teamDepartmentValueDict.valueForKey("value_id") as? String
                teamDepartmentValueData.valueId = valueId.toInt()!
                teamDepartmentValueData.valueId = 0
            if var ordinal = teamDepartmentValueDict.valueForKey("ordinal") as? String
                teamDepartmentValueData.ordinal = ordinal.toInt()!
                teamDepartmentValueData.ordinal = 0
            if var subCategoryId = teamDepartmentValueDict.valueForKey("sub_category_id") as? String
                teamDepartmentValueData.subCategoryId = subCategoryId.toInt()!
                teamDepartmentValueData.subCategoryId = 0
            if var departmentValueId = teamDepartmentValueDict.valueForKey("team_department_value_id") as? String
                teamDepartmentValueData.teamDepartmentValueId = departmentValueId.toInt()!
                teamDepartmentValueData.teamDepartmentValueId = 0

            sqlite3_bind_int(statement, CInt(1), CInt(teamDepartmentValueData.teamId))
            sqlite3_bind_int(statement, CInt(2), CInt(teamDepartmentValueData.departmentId))
            sqlite3_bind_int(statement, CInt(3), CInt(teamDepartmentValueData.valueId))
            sqlite3_bind_int(statement, CInt(4), CInt(teamDepartmentValueData.ordinal))
            sqlite3_bind_int(statement, CInt(5), CInt(teamDepartmentValueData.subCategoryId))
            sqlite3_bind_int(statement, CInt(6), CInt(teamDepartmentValueData.teamDepartmentValueId))

            result = sqlite3_step(statement)

            if(result != SQLITE_DONE)
                println("failed to insert")
        sqlite3_exec(database, "COMMIT TRANSACTION", nil, nil, &errMsg)
        sqlite3_exec(database, "END TRANSACTION",  nil, nil, &errMsg)

Please help me to solve the issue. Thanks in advance.

This may not be exact answer to the problem.

As you have around 20000 records to insert it will take quite a long time. One thing that comes to my mind that could reduce time is using dispatch_apply method from GCD. You could check out Performing Loop Iterations Concurrently section of this link.

With that you would be able to execute many loops concurrently on a concurrent queue. That could make your execution time shorter. I am not sure how much fast it will make, but you could give it a shot.

Also make sure not to execute each of your loop on separate task block but club them in considerable chunk to avoid unnecessary overhead of scheduling these tasks.

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