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Multiple access to sqlite database using sqlite swift iOS

Here's my scenario,

I have multiple request when I log in to my app, and in one of it's response contains 10,000 + records.

I am using SQLite.swift in my project.

All is working fine if the user doesn't logout or doesn't more than 1 task like searching or retrieving data from db. if any of the case happens then the app gets stuck or crashes.

I am using transactions for bulk insert, but when I try to access another same table data then the app freezes until everything is done.

I tried using multiple connections to insert to db but if another connection is using the db then its locked and app crashes

fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: database is locked: file /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/swiftlang/swiftlang-703.0.18.1/src/swift/stdlib/public/core/ErrorType.swift, line 54

try DataManager.con.transaction {

            for index in 0 ... (entity.count - 1) {
            try DataManager.con.run(table.insert(
                    Latitude <- entity[index]["Latitude"].string,
                    Longitude <- entity[index]["Longitude"].string

Here DataManager.con is a singleton object

Please help.

With sqlite.swift it was not possible to create concurrent connections.

So I moved my master data to another db and create a separate connection for it.

I also added

// Start transaction
// code
// Commit transaction
catch {

to handle errors if user logout or closes the app, Transaction will help to maintain partial data saving also

Thanks to all who helped.

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