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Finding base type of types loaded from reflection

I have a basic scenario.

Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(dllPath);
Type[] temp = asm.GetTypes();
bool matchFound = false;
foreach (Type t in temp)
    if (t.IsClass && t.IsSubClassOf(typeof(MyBaseClass)))
        Console.WriteLine("Match found");
        matchFound = true;

In this case no match found. But if I add reference of that assembly and call this method again.

bool matchFound = typeof(MyDerivedClass).IsSubClassOf(typeof(MyBaseClass));

matchFound is true in this case.

I want first case to be running. Any suggestion

Assemblies loaded via LoadFrom are not loaded into the default assembly context. This can cause problems like yours. Try using Assemlby.Load instead. Here are a few links for more info´s that could be usefull


Reflection not working on assembly that is loaded using Assembly.LoadFrom



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