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Constrain a list of System.Type to types that inherit from a base type

If I have the code:

List<Type> Requires = new List<Type>();

How would I constrain the types within this list so they have a common parent?

For example:

List<Type : Component> Requires = new List<Type>()

Edit: A little bit more background so maybe people can understand why I need this. I have a class Entity that contains a list of Components . Each component needs to have a list of Component types that acts as a list of dependencies. So at runtime when you try to add a Component to a Entity it will do a quick check to see if that Entity has the required components already attached to it.


_components = new List<Component>();
public T AddComponent<T>() where T : Component, new()
    var temp = new T();
    if (_components.Exists((x) => x is T)) return null;
    foreach (var t in temp.Requires)
        if (_components.Exists(x => x.GetType() == t)) return null;
    _components.Add(new T());
    temp.gameObject = this;
    return temp;

protected internal Entity gameObject;
protected internal List<Type> Requires { get; }

After much work I found a solution to my own problem.

public abstract class Component {
    protected internal Entity gameObject;
    private RequiresList _requires;
    protected internal RequiresList Requires
        get => _requires;
        private set => _requires = (RequiresList)value.FindAll(x => x.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component)));
    public class RequiresList : List<Type>
        public RequiresList() { }
        public RequiresList(IEnumerable<Type> types) : base(types) { }
        public RequiresList(int capacity) : base(capacity) { }

        public new Type this[int index]
            get => base[index];
                if (isComp(value))
                    base[index] = value;

        public new void Add(Type type)
            if (isComp(type))

        private static bool isComp(Type type)
            return type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Component));

public abstract class Entity {
    _components = new List<Component>();
    public T AddComponent<T>() where T : Component, new()
        var temp = new T();
        if (_components.Exists((x) => x is T)) return null;
        foreach (var t in temp.Requires)
            if (_components.Exists(x => x.GetType() == t)) return null;
        _components.Add(new T());
        temp.gameObject = this;
        return temp;

I created a new storage type call RequiresList which checks all System.Type s that are inserted into it to see if they are a subclass of Component . I also made sure that if someone tried to replace the list with an entirely new one it will remove any indexes of the new list that aren't Component s

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